Entry# 10 Doing Things That Don’t Scale

CJ Ranario
1 min readJun 17, 2021

Ranario, Christine Joy R.


One of the common advice to start ups is “Do Things That Don’t Scale”. This encourages start ups to do things manually gradually instead of things that help them grow quickly, It is ironic, right? You wish for your start up to grow fast yet you are given advice that in the beginning you have take thing slow.

The magic of creating something new revolves around things that don’t scale.

Common examples for things that don’t scale are the following:

* Running door to door to look for customers

* Attending customers individually

By doing this, it allows you to connect to your customers at a much deeper level. You get to hear in real time by communicating personally to your customers about problems you never knew existed. Communicating with them one by one widens your perspective as you can be empathetic and see the world in their point of view. This way you can understand their struggles better and so you can generate a solution by that reason alone. As end result, you can be an effective entrepreneur that pioneers innovative products and services. You will be one of a kind!

